In recent times, issues like good education, human resources and modernization of education have been widely discussed in the national interest. Not just quantitative expansion, but ensuring quality education is the need of the hour. Especially due to the advent and globalization of computer and information technology, education is now crossing the boundaries of the country and the nation. Our students also need to make arrangements for access to the campus in the same vein. At the same time, the goal is to develop creativity. The quality of education has been introduced for many purposes. The issue of publishing results in grading system, after being implemented in SSC and HSC, is almost complete in the field of higher education.

As the grading system is effective in SSC and HSC, students are moving towards higher education with their own talents and qualifications through a healthy stream of competition. It is a matter of meeting the expectations and hopes of the nation. In addition to the grading system, the administration’s strict stance on counterfeiting, the Department of Education’s timing and specification of examinations for the academic year in secondary government educational institutions, attendance warnings, etc., are considered positive and fruitful. Some instructions from the board authorities are also helpful. Receptions for the students are organized in the educational institutions. The purpose is to encourage the future citizens, to make them confident.

Based on the results achieved in SSC-HSC, the government has been awarding scholarships to various boards of education which has always played a stimulating and helpful role. In addition, it is considered as an honorary scholarship for all students and parents and it plays an important role in achieving higher education. At present the education system is so expensive, in many cases education is called as a product. We all know that the lower and middle classes are making an effective contribution to the advancement of education. These families make efforts to educate their children on a priority basis. The reality is that many meritorious students have to pay halfway through their studies which is a great loss and misfortune for the nation.

Everyone agrees that if the children of poor families can be properly educated, they are the real wealth of the family. Later on, they spontaneously took over the responsibility of the family and spread education. Hopefully, realizing the problems of these meritorious people, keeping in view the socio-economic condition of the country, various non-governmental educational institutions, banks, NGOs, business organizations have launched ‘Education Loan Scheme’ to facilitate the path of higher education for the meritorious. This loan is repayable in the prescribed manner after entering the career at the end of education. Such opportunities and initiatives will create new possibilities for higher education.

Let this initiative be more widespread in our country, let the students get the opportunity to study in despair, this is desirable. It is able to play an indirect role in expanding education as well as improving the quality of education. Institutions that will provide education loans may prioritize the advancement of students’ education. For example, it is mandatory to submit the result statement given by the educational institution while withdrawing money every year. Of course, the authorities need to make sure that the students are not harassed in any way while taking these loans. The money of the loan allotted or sanctioned to the students should reach the student or the educational institution on time so that there is no need to waste time studying for the loan money.

After receiving the education, the borrowers will be able to repay the loan not only as an aid to education, but also to fulfill their responsibilities with the right to education. A well-educated man will show determination to uphold his conscience, principles and values, society expects. Wealth inequality is on the rise in Bangladesh. According to private estimates, 40 percent of the population still lives below the poverty line. We have to think about them separately, we have to take practical steps to remedy them. Otherwise, our education rates, healthcare, economic growth, are all bound to face threats. The poor want to send their children to school. However, despite the desire to send because of poverty. Their children need to be brought under (primary) education.

It is common to see that where slums are formed, there are no educational opportunities. Most of the slum dwellers are illiterate. It is not possible for them to help the child in his studies. As a result, it is not possible to keep their names in ordinary primary schools. There are also many other problems including unhealthy environment. To solve these problems, short-term and long-term plans need to be made to educate the children of those currently living in slums and to stop the flow of slum dwellers from rural areas. The strength and capacity of the poor must be utilized to alleviate poverty.

Financing-training, intensive monitoring, sending the child to school should be made compulsory. We are thinking of relocating our factories to the suburbs to protect the cities from pollution. Factory owners are required to set up daycare centers and educational institutions for the children of working people. Education opportunities must be opened.

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