The Corona virus, which has been rampant for more than a year and a half, has already begun to return to normal, despite the devastating effects on the global economy. Coronavirus has not completely disappeared anywhere in the world. New variants are still being found. Even then, sectors like visa services, trade and tourism have been re-launched. The new reality of conditional living is called neo-normal. However, due to the travel ban and quarantine conditions imposed on some of the countries imposed in the Corona, it is causing socio-economic crisis for us. Bangladesh’s historical and traditional ties, especially with countries like Great Britain, are being questioned by the recent Corona ban. Citizens of about 72 countries were barred from entering Britain due to the upward corona infection.

In the changed reality, despite the easing of sanctions by many countries, including India, Bangladesh is still on the red list, which has created a major crisis in Bangladesh’s trade and interconnection with Britain. According to a report published in a daily newspaper yesterday, more than 6,000 Sylhet expatriates from Britain are on high alert due to restrictions and quarantine restrictions. Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen met with British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab in a virtual meeting to request the lifting of Bangladesh’s name from the red list, but the other side reportedly avoided the issue. They demanded scientific data on Bangladesh’s success in reducing the acceptability of infections, including coronary genome sequencing.

It has been informed that they will take the next decision after reviewing the data received from Bangladesh under their own management. Of note, corona infection in India was one of the worst in the subcontinent. India’s Delta variant terrified the world. After the infection of millions of people and the death of thousands, the corona infection has come down a lot in India, similarly in Bangladesh it has come down to 6-7 percent. Although Britain has dropped India’s name from its red list, the issue is now being discussed differently as the names of Bangladesh and Pakistan are still in force.

Leaving India out and keeping Bangladesh on the red list cannot be accepted as normal. Some are also trying to drag out the bi-political issue. Economic activity in the country has returned to normal as corona infection has decreased. It has already been announced to open educational institutions in Bangladesh.

In such a scenario, it is to be expected that the British Foreign Office and the Department of Health will soon review the overall situation and lift the ban on Bangladeshis. The coronavirus is said to be at the forefront of the global epidemic, and the sooner countries can take effective measures to combat the virus, including vaccines, the sooner they can return to trade, productivity and economic activity. Compensation for failing to keep pace with the world in coronavirus testing, detection and vaccination is now being paid to Bangladeshi nationals across the country.

Apart from Britain, countries like the United Arab Emirates and Malaysia have already extended the ban on Bangladeshis from entering those countries more than once. Last April, Bangladesh banned entry to Bangladesh from several countries, including India. It’s not all over yet. The concerned quarters of the government will definitely review and take a decision in this regard.

Similarly, we are hopeful that the British authorities will take effective steps to remove the embarrassment and fears of the thousands of British-Bangladeshi nationals who have come here by removing Bangladesh from their red list. In this case, it is necessary to present authentic statistics about the success of the overall activities including vaccination in the control of corona infection as well as to increase the political activities. In order to ensure that Bangladesh is not harmed in the geopolitical policy system by capitalizing on the Corona-era realities, the issue must be taken seriously and effective measures must be taken.

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