Coronavirus Pandemic Causes Climate Of Anxiety And Changing Routines

Worldwide epidemic coronavirus has increased deaths and identification. In the last 24 hours, 10,344 people have died due to corona. The previous day this number was 6 thousand 979. At the same time, the number of identities has also increased. In the last 24 hours, 4 lakh 47 thousand 201 corona have been identified. The day before, 3 lakh 8 thousand 400 people were identified.

The data came from the international statistics website WorldMeter on Tuesday (June 2) at 8 am.

According to the World Meter, a total of 16 crore 19 lakh 17 thousand 83 people have been identified as coronavirus worldwide so far. Of these, 35 lakh 75 thousand 505 people died. And so far 15 crore 46 lakh 2 thousand 160 people have recovered from Corona.

The United States tops the list of countries affected by the Corona in the world. So far, 3 crore 41 lakh 37 thousand 738 people have been affected by corona in the country. Of these, 6 lakh 10 thousand 438 people have died. And 2 crore 79 lakh 40 thousand 917 people have recovered.

India is in the second place in the list. So far, 2 crore 73 lakh 8 thousand 73 corona have been identified in the country. 3 lakh 35 thousand 114 people have died. And 2 crore 61 lakh 80 thousand 992 people have recovered.

Brazil is in the third place. In the Latin American country, 1 crore 8 lakh 25 thousand 572 people have been affected by corona so far. 4 lakh 75 thousand 312 people have died. And 1 crore 50 lakh 6 thousand 146 people have recovered.

France is fourth, Turkey is fifth, Russia is sixth, the United Kingdom is seventh, Italy is eighth, Argentina is ninth and Germany is tenth.

Bangladesh ranks 33rd in the list of infections and deaths. So far 6 lakh 2 thousand 305 corona patients have been identified in the country. Of these, 12,060 died. And 6 lakh 42 thousand 151 people have recovered.

The first coronavirus was detected in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. The first patient in the country died of corona on January 9, 2020. On January 13 of that year, the first corona patient was identified outside of China in Thailand. Later it gradually spread to different countries.

The World Health Organization (WHO) declared a global health emergency on January 30, 2020 in the wake of the corona outbreak. Then, on February 2, the first death of a patient in Corona outside China took place in the Philippines. On March 11 of the same year, the World Health Organization declared Corona a global epidemic.

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