Traffic jams

After the lockdown everything except the educational institution is open. Public-private offices, courts, shops, businesses, industries, public transport, etc. Due to the movement, the old problem of traffic congestion took a serious shape on the roads and highways including the capital. A few days ago, when a fire broke out in a building in the Chairman Bari area of ​​the capital, the road from Mohakhali to the airport was jammed for several hours. As a result, traffic jams continue throughout the day. There is no limit to human suffering. The cause of the fire here is one reason; However, traffic jams continue for hours every day without any reason. Not only in the capital, but also on the highways, long traffic jams are seen almost every day. To cross the road for a few hours, it becomes a nightmare. 

Needless to say, the traffic jam situation has not been so bad so far. Educational institutions have been opened across the country since yesterday. Observers fear that traffic jams, especially in the capital, could escalate. Traffic congestion does not adversely affect human productivity and performance, Financially also makes them victims of irreparable losses. According to BUET’s Accident Research Institute, 3.2 million working hours are lost in traffic every day. The loss in one working hour is about 60 rupees. There are other disadvantages as well. According to the institute, the loss in terms of money is 36 thousand crore rupees every year. 

We have to bear such huge losses due to weakness of road and transport management, lack of traffic discipline and scarcity and inadequacy of roads. Unplanned expansion of capital, inadequacy of roads, protracted work of mega projects, digging of roads for development and renovation of various services Every year there is a loss of 36 thousand crore rupees. 

We have to bear such huge losses due to weakness of road and transport management, lack of traffic discipline and scarcity and inadequacy of roads. Unplanned expansion of capital, inadequacy of roads, protracted work of mega projects, digging of roads for development and renovation of various services Every year there is a loss of 36 thousand crore rupees. We have to bear such huge losses due to weakness of road and transport management, lack of traffic discipline and scarcity and inadequacy of roads. Unplanned expansion of capital, inadequacy of roads, protracted work of mega projects, digging of roads for development and renovation of various services Etc. are the main causes of traffic jams.

Work on mega projects like Metrorail, BRT and Elevated Expressway in the capital has been going on for about 10 years. If done properly, the work of these mega projects would have been completed by now. The work was not completed due to slowness and negligence. There is no way to say for sure when it will end. As the cost of the projects has already increased, so has the suffering of the people. Meanwhile water, electricity, gas, telephone etc. Development and reform work of the service organization is going on.

According to a report published in the newspaper, about 600 km of roads are in a dilapidated condition at the moment. Road repairs have not been reformed; Abandoned. There is no problem for those who have delayed the work of mega projects or have left broken, dilapidated roads. They are getting regular salaries and allowances, there are also allegations of getting extra. If they leave work and work, it is better for them. Such a situation would never have arisen if there had been a system of regular accountability, a system of appropriate punishment for corruption or negligence of duty. 

They are the most privileged class in the state, be they administration officials, police officers or officials of various institutions, departments and agencies. All of them have a kind of guarantee in all cases. But there are some among them, Etc. The crime is going on in a hurry. That is why they do not feel any moral responsibility. The government has not taken any action against them.

It is not at all impossible to bring the traffic congestion, misery and loss of people on the roads and highways of the country including the capital to a tolerable level. This is possible if the occupation and obstruction can be removed everywhere from roads and highways to alleys. Mega projects need to be completed as soon as possible to reduce traffic congestion in the capital. Mega projects have been taken to reduce traffic congestion. But people are not able to enjoy their benefits as they are not finished. Therefore, mega projects need to be completed on an urgent basis. 

Second, the development and reform work of various service organizations must be completed immediately. Broken-stolen roads need to be repaired immediately. It has been alleged for a long time that there is a lack of coordination in the field of work. There is no cure. WASA, Department of Power, The telephone department, etc., dug roads for their development and renovation work. For this they take permission from the two city corporations. Two city corporations are in charge of this work. If they could effectively coordinate the work of different organizations, the broken and dilapidated condition of roads and alleys could not be created. 

In this case, integrated action is urgent and must be done. Besides, provision has to be made for improvement of transport management and traffic system. If this is done, it is expected that traffic congestion and traffic congestion and loss will be reduced.

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