Biotechnology in agriculture

The population is increasing, the amount of agricultural land is decreasing. 

Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) data: As of January 1, 2021, the total population of the country is 16 crore 91 lakh. According to the BBS report on Bangladesh Sample Vital Statistics 2020, the population has increased by 9 lakh in the previous six months till January 1 this year. On the other hand, according to the statistics of the Bureau of Statistics and the Department of Agriculture, the amount of agricultural land is decreasing every year by 6,600 hectares, i.e. the amount of cultivable land is decreasing by 1 percent every year. So there is no alternative to biotechnology to meet the food needs of the growing population on small plots of land.

Biotechnology is a modern and applied technology. The term biotechnology was first used in 1919 by Hungarian agricultural engineer Carl Arecki. Biotechnology simply means biology-based technology. It produces or modifies any product or method by following and applying scientific and engineering principles, which is more beneficial for human beings. Although there are 4 areas of application of biotechnology (health, agriculture, environment, industrial crops and other products),

its contribution to agriculture is undeniable as the most influential means of food production. This technology is used to increase crop yields, to develop desired varieties, to develop insect and disease resistant varieties, to produce relatively large fruits, to produce more seedlings in a short time, to bring about diversity, to preserve endangered plant varieties, to cultivate any type of variety at any time of the year. Can be done. No need to wait for any season for this.

When we look at the agriculture in Bangladesh, we see some unfavorable environment. Due to the Farakka Dam, greater droughts in the greater Jessore, Kushtia, Khulna, Faridpur and Rajshahi districts during the dry season, which is almost desert, and excessive floods during the monsoon season, which directly damage agriculture alone cost more than Rs 500 crore every year. Saltwater infiltration occurs in the southwest.

Moreover, waterlogging, river flooding, excessive rainfall, drought, etc. adversely affect agriculture. In order to overcome these adverse effects and get higher yields, one must apply the benefits of biotechnology. With this goal in mind, agriculturists, engineers and agro-based organizations are working tirelessly on green biotechnology for agricultural development.

There has been a lot of success in the application of biotechnology in agriculture in Bangladesh. The Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), the only successful research institute in the country, has developed a special type of eggplant called Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) eggplant using biotechnology. Generated through genetic engineering, this variety has been able to propagate quite successfully. Bacillus thuringiensis is a soil-dwelling bacterium that contains the Cry1AC gene.

This gene produces a type of pesticide protein, Which can control insects that bite the tip and fruit of eggplant. In common eggplant cultivation, pesticides have to be used numerous times during the season to prevent the infestation of fruit tip borers. But Bt eggplant can control these insects naturally. The production cost is less as it does not have to be treated separately. Late blight resistant potato-6 has been developed using single Arabic technology. Moreover, research is underway on the development of various disease resistant varieties of tomatoes.

Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRI) has worked on gene technology as well as developed high yielding and nutritious varieties of boro rice called Golden Rice. GR2-E Golden Rice, rich in high levels of beta carotene, has been invented. It has so far developed 108 varieties, including about 72 high-yielding rice varieties, which have brought us great success in agriculture. Where there was food shortage in the past, we are now third in rice exports. According to the Global Food Outlook June 2021 report, Bangladesh produced 36.4 million tonnes of rice in 2020. The FAO estimates that Bangladesh will continue to be in third place this year, producing 36 million tonnes of rice. Some of the notable varieties of Brie are Aus 24, Aman 46, Boro 47 and GI Sampanjanat. 8 varieties of hybrid rice, The average yield is 7-8 tons / ha. Its disease is much less than other varieties.

There is a saying that if hybrid rice is cultivated, there will be food for twelve months. 7 varieties of zinc rich rice. This variety of rice contains 26% amylose and about 9% protein. 7 drought tolerant varieties. Sowing is done more in drought prone areas of the country especially in Kushtia, Jhenaidah, Magura and Chuadanga. 3 Bri-51,52,69 submerged varieties are submerged in flood waters for 18-20 days in flood prone areas but 4-4.5 tons / ha. Dulabhog is another very popular antioxidant rich variety, BR5 which is resistant to tungro and blast disease. 69 These are submerged in flood waters for 18-20 days in flood prone areas but 4-4.5 tons / ha.

Dulabhog is another very popular antioxidant rich variety, BR5 which is resistant to tungro and blast disease. 69 These are submerged in flood waters for 18-20 days in flood prone areas but 4-4.5 tons / ha. Dulabhog is another very popular antioxidant rich variety, BR5 which is resistant to tungro and blast disease. The position of wheat after paddy. At present, the demand for wheat in the country is increasing day by day due to the increase in the versatile use of wheat. Barigam-25 (heat and salinity tolerant), Barigam-26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 (heat tolerant), Barigam 33 (heat tolerant and blast resistant) invented by Bari. Maize is in the third position after wheat. Maize irrigation is economical, environmentally friendly and more productive than paddy.

Notable among the total 17 varieties by Bari are Bari Hybrid Maize 12 (drought tolerant), 13 (heat and drought tolerant), 14, 15 (heat tolerant), 16 (heat and salinity tolerant, low altitude varieties) Don’t break down. Bangladesh Atomic Agriculture Institute (BAI) has developed drought, flood, salinity tolerant, high yielding, short lifespan varieties. Farmers are getting good yield by cultivating rice varieties without 16 and without 18. Non-Paddy-18 Drought tolerant and short-lived as well as improved quality Aman paddy varieties require very little fertilizer. Binadhan-11 is flood tolerant. Among the non-invented varieties, 24 are rice, 30 are oil, 33 are pulses, 1 is wheat, 2 are jute, 14 are vegetables, 6 are spices and 2 are lemons.

Moreover, DU’s Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology is conducting a limited experiment at Brie’s Transgenic Greenhouse on the invention of salinity-tolerant HYV rice through the DNA Helicus Gene Confusion of beans. It is also working on developing more productive, hostile environment tolerant varieties of rice through gene transcription. At the same time the Botany Department of DU Peanuts,

Also lentils, gram, khesari, green gram, masala, mustard, sesame, peanut, litchi, coconut, mango, banana, papaya, guava, jackfruit, cool, pineapple, lemon, bean, cauliflower, cabbage, radish, coriander, tomato, eggplant , Potato, turmeric, onion, garlic varieties have been developed using organic technology and new varieties have been developed in agriculture. To make our economic backbone agriculture stronger, stronger and more effective, we need to conduct extensive research, training and application of biotechnology. Since the soil of our country is purer than pure gold and there is no pair of modern scientific biotechnology to put a smile on the face of the farmer by growing golden crop in that golden land.

Daily Phulpur

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